Royal City of Turin

view of Mole Antonelliana

This is the photodairy of my short trip in Turin, a city that I never get tired to visit. Full of simbolic places and occult meanings, it’s also the only Italian city to preserve untouched a royal feeling.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

me inside Palazzo Madama

Church of Gran Madre di Dio

Fountain of the Four Seasons inside Parco del Valentino

Palazzo Madama (for an inside vision here)

Juvarra’s staircase

Church of San Lorenzo, designed by Guarino Guarini

The doom of the church  shows something really weird for a church. The windows looks like monsters faces while screaming.

Entrance to the Royal Palace and centre of the city is considered to be Turin’s positive pole.

During Christmas time the city is enlightened with special decorations

inside the storic café Fiorio

river Po from the bridge Vittorio Emanuele I

inside the storic café Al Bicerin

Zabaione, Bicerin and Nut Cake

on the street Corso Giovanni Lanza, full of Art Nouveau villas

Villa Scott, the villa used in the filming of Profondo Rosso by Dario Argento

Church of Gran Madre di Dio

Piazza Statuto, considered to be Turin’s negative pole

Aesthete. Art historian & blogger. Content creator and storyteller. Fond of real and virtual wunderkammer. Founder and main author of

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2 Commenti a “Royal City of Turin”

  • daniele

    L’architettura di Torino è davvero affascinante, e purtroppo un po’ sottovalutata. Gli edifici Art nouveau sono davvero fantastici ..E le pastiglie Leone troppo stilose. Non avevo dubbi ti piacessero. Saluti

    • Annalisa P. Cignitti

      Credo sia Torino ad essere un po’ sottovalutata. Città poco turistica, ma stupenda, a mio avviso l’unica davvero esteticamente europea in Italia.

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