Archivio Rocaille

ATLAS: come portarsi il mondo sulle spalle?

La memoria Mnemosyne deriva dal greco μνήμων e significa memoria. Era il nome di una delle figlie di Urano e Gea, una Titanessa generata all’inizio dei tempi. Dalla sua unione con Zeus nacquero le nove Muse, protettrici dell’arte. Fu così…

Florence day 3

Last day in Florence was sunny enough to go to the Boboli Gardens, the incredible park behind Pitti Palace. First, me and Gio, wandered around Duomo in daylight, just to see the contrast between the deep blue sky and the…

Florence day 2

It was a cloudy and gloomy day when we decided to take a walk trought the city. After having breakfast in a cute bakery near Pitti, we overpassed Ponte Vecchio, full of every kind of jewellery I loved like cameos,…

Florence day 1

Florence is a colourful city and it seems to be stuck in the XVth century . My best friend Gio lives there so I decided to visit her for a weekend. The day was a little windy and the Arno…

AH CHE REBUS! : intervista alle curatrici

“Cercando di te in un vecchio caffè ,ho visto uno specchio e dentro ho visto il mare e dentro al mare una piccola barca per me… Ah che Rebus!” Le parole di questa canzone di Paolo Conte danno il nome…

The eye

(Guardian Spirit of the Water, Odilon Redon 1878) “I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture -a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my…