Some pictures of my trip to Andalusia wandering around the streets and dressing like a real andalusa girl. All these pictures were taken in Seville. For more about my spanish trip here and mood here.

view from the hotel


religious scene made in ceramic (azulejos) were to be found in almost every corner of the streets

Seville’s Cathedral

Seville’s Cathedral Treasure

me and my friend Gio in the wonderful Plaza de España

endless azulejos seats

Parque de María Luisa

view of the Cathedral

religious items shops like this were very easy to find

precious fans made of lace, mother of pearl and precious wood

a wonderful vintage shop, very 70’s inspired, near Calle Aguilas

other fans, handmade painted

huge rosaries in a jewellery shop

The Museo de Bellas Artes:
This interesting museum, with free entrance, offers you a rest during the hot afternoon and meanwhile one can see all the best painters of the Siglo de Oro, along with other spanish painters.

José Villegas Cordero, La muerte del maestro, 1913 (detail)
This is my favorite work of the whole museum, which has a lot of other great works by Cordero, a sevillan painter who I didn’t know about before visiting this museum. La muerte del maestro represents all the things I saw in Andalusia: religion, bullfighter, death symbols.

place in front of the museum

Juan de Valdes Leal, Immaculada (1672)

José Garcia Ramos, Baile por bulerias (1884)

Torre del Oro

another vintage-antique more folkloristic shop near Calle San Isidoro, selling religious old items, ex voto and old jewellery.